Original video: https://youtu.be/XIE3aTRt324
Di satu petang lepas Asar
00:00 Nak buat measurement photosynthesis tapi machine takda cable battery [forehead petepek]
00:40 Dem dah sedar ak kena bangun awal budak2 ni tak boleh dibiarkan lagi tak mahir guna machine
00:56 About kena maki sebab human reminder tak berfungsi
01:10 Untuk mengukur photosynthesis, sentiasa ambil daun yang fully expanded. Daun padi ada tanda bila muncul collar (ligule + auricle) daun
01:59 Tak boleh even warm-up machine dulu sebab again takda cable
02:11 Suka biar ak cakap sorang2
02:45 Tak boleh biarkan ak bangkit lambat langsung. Kan kena gheyiau
Physiology measurement of paddy leaf using LI-6400. Measurement was done on the next day. Today, learn on how to select the leaf that will be measured and mark the leaves.
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