This file contains a presentation about crop physiology and growth analysis.
The presentation begins by defining crop physiology and explaining the difference between plants and crops. Crop physiology is the study of processes and functions within plants, as well as how these respond to environmental factors.
Next, the presentation covers plant structure, growth, development, and differentiation. Plant growth is an irreversible increase in size; development is the sum of changes a plant undergoes as it matures. Differentiation is when cells specialize into different types.
The presentation then discusses crop growth analysis, which is a way to measure how environmental factors and genetics interact to affect plant growth. The presentation describes several growth parameters that are commonly measured in crop growth analysis, including absolute growth rate (AGR), crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), and leaf area index (LAI). The presentation also provides formulas for calculating each of these parameters.
The final section of the presentation includes images of maize and rice in various developmental stages and information about the growth phases of rice.
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