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Field Practical: LI-6400XT and LI-6800 CO2 Response Curve / A-Ci Curve Part 1 of 2

Delivered on: 23 May 2024

This video is the first part of a two-part series on using the Li-6400XT and LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis Systems to measure CO2 response curves and calculate A-Ci curves in plants. In this part, we will focus on the following:

  • Preparing the Li-6400XT and LI-6800: We will discuss how to prepare the Li-6400XT and LI-6800 for a CO2 response curve measurement, including selecting and cleaning a leaf, setting the environmental conditions, and opening the stomata.

  • Measuring the CO2 response curve with the Li-6400XT: We will demonstrate how to measure the CO2 response curve of a leaf with the Li-6400XT.

  • Measuring the CO2 response curve with the LI-6800: We will demonstrate how to measure the CO2 response curve of a leaf with the LI-6800.

*Bonus: Measuring Light Spectrum using LI-180 Spectrometer

Video Timestamps:

0:00:00 Recap

0:00:50 Phyllotaxy and selecting frond for measurement

0:07:44 Clean the selected leaf

0:09:33 To prevent leak during measurement, add Vaseline and bend the leaf

0:13:45 Setting the environmental condition LI-6400

0:20:45 Photo and conductance readings are stable before taking measurement

0:21:34 Setting the A-Ci Curve for LI-6400

0:30:22 Preparation before cutting the frond for taking measurement

0:43:40 LI-6800 Clamp the leaf

0:47:32 Setting environmental condition

0:51:27 Setting CO2 response curve LI-6800

0:54:35 Spectrometer

Watch Part 2 here:

Keywords: Li-6400XT, LI-6800, CO2 response curve, A-Ci curve, photosynthesis, plant physiology, gas exchange, stomatal conductance, mesophyll conductance, carboxylation efficiency, CO2 assimilation.


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